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The best Cardio exercises for weight loss

What is Cardio exercises and benefits?

What is Cardio exercises and benefits? (Photos)

Hi,food4gym followers! 

Today, We’re going to talk about Cardio exercise and its benefits with somte tips and photos that will make it count. Just follow us!

Cardio exercises are simply cardiovascular training to increase your respiratory fitness So what is it, cardiovascular fitness?

Periodic respiratory fitness is the ability of the heart, blood cells, and lungs to supply muscles and tissues in performance with food rich in oxygen and oxygen.

Examples and forms of cardio exercises.

Examples and forms of cardio exercises.

Cardio exercises are all aerobic Exercises that perform the intensity that increases the pulse rate such as:

Running - jump rope - walking - jogging - jogging - riding a bike - dancing - exercise HITT exercises using body weight.

The benefits of cardio exercises

- Strengthening the heart muscle is the strongest and most important goal.
- Help control blood pressure.
- Increased heart and lung efficiency.
- Reducing LDL cholesterol.
- Reduce the possibility of developing cardiovascular disease.
- Helping raise and increase blood pumping to the muscles.
- Helping burn excess calories and reach optimal weight.

The best time for cardio exercises

The best time for cardio exercises to burn fat is when you have exhausted the stores of glycogen that your body uses to produce energy and thus the energy source here will be fat.

So the best times to perform cardio exercises to burn fat are:

In the morning
After waking up and before breakfast where all the stores of glycogen are almost empty.

After GYM exercises
After GYM exercises your body uses the stored glycogen to produce the energy needed for GYM and thus your body will need another source of energy for cardio exercises is fat.

Do not mind running for a short period (5 - 10 minutes) before the exercise as a kind of heating and warm up and stimulate blood circulation.

Recommended duration of cardio exercises

According to the recommendations of the American College of Sports Medicine ACSM to develop fitness and raise the efficiency of the respiratory system, it should be trained at least three times a week for a period of not less than 30 minutes.

The importance of cardio exercises for the bodybuilder

I will ask you an important question is can a horse live with the heart of a chicken?

The obvious answer is of course not.

The answer is because the chicken's heart is small and weak and the horse is doing a very high effort and needs to pump more blood to the muscles in order for him to do this huge effort.

The importance of cardio exercises for slimming and fat burning

  • Every movement you make in any activity needs to burn a certain number of calories to do and the more exercises increase the heart rate the more the rate of burning calories.
  • Cardio exercises work to increase heart rate and increase blood flow.
  • It also stimulates blood circulation and thus burns more calories.
  • It also increases the body's efficiency to burn and break up fat and use it as an energy source during cardio exercises

Here are Some Of Cardio exercises (Photos)

Here are Some Of Cardio exercises (Photos)

Here are Some Of Cardio exercises (Photos)

Here are Some Of Cardio exercises (Photos)
