Your Full Guide Of Ketogenic Diet (Advantages - Disadvantages - Tips - Food)
Diet keto is a diet based mainly on eating the main meals until reaching the limit of satiety (getting Full)
taking into consideration that the amount of fat in the meal should be three times corresponding protein in it.
Keep away from starches of all kinds.
Keto Diet is a therapeutic diet for many kinds of diseases such as:
Nervous disorder.
Cancer of all kinds.
What is the keto diet?
the basic idea is to provide the body with a meal up to 75% fat and protein to 20% and the rest of the meal consists of vegetables, either cooked or raw.
What are the types of diet keto?
1- Main ketogenic Deit system:
In this system, rely on eating food , but by the following rates ..
5% carbohydrates.
20% protein.
75% fat.
2. Periodic ketogenic Diet system:
This system depends mostly on the the main keto system (as mentioned up there) for days of the week, but the high carbohydrates are dealt with two consecutive days of the week.
3. Targeted ketogenic system:
This system is slightly different from the cyclic ketogenic system.
It relies on a basic keto system but only carbohydrates before exercise.
4. High protein ketogenic system:
Is a diet in which the proportions of food as following
5% carbohydrates.
35% protein.
65% fat.
What kind of food that’s prohibited in Ketogenic Diet?
There are types of food that you’re banned from eating during the keto diet in order to reach a satisfactory result and ideal weight.
Such as:
Trans fat.
Starchy vegetables.
the fruit
What kind of food that’s allowed in Ketogenic Diet?
There are sets of food allowed to eat in this Diet system which is not harmful to the system.
All kinds of cheese.
Low-starch nuts.
Almond butter.
Peanut Butter.
Useful fats
Is dairy products disallowed (Prohibited) in keto diet?
There are 3 levels of judging (allowed - Don’t overeat - disallowed)
* In keto diet You’re allowed to eat:
–Feta cheese.
–Blue cheese.
–Cheddar cheese.
* In keto diet Don't overeat:
- Greek yogurt full fat.
- Full cream cheese.
- Full cream ricotta cheese.
* In keto diet You’re disallowed to eat:
- Ice cream like ice cream.
-the milk.
- Local skimmed yogurt.
what kind of fruit and vegestable that’s allowed in Keto Diet?
There are 3 levels of judging (allowed - Don’t overeat - disallowed)
* In keto diet You’re allowed to eat:
- Leafy vegetables such as watercress and spinach.
* In keto diet Don't overeat:
- Eggplant.
- Pumpkin.
* In keto diet You’re disallowed to eat:
What are Oils and fats allowed during keto diet?
It’s allowed to eat:
Heavy cream.
olive oil.
Avocado oil.
Coconut Oil.
Do not overload:
Safflower oil.
Sun flower oil.
corn oil.
Never eat:
Unsaturated industrial fats
What are the advantages of Ketogenic Diet?
1. You won’t feel hungry.
2 - You won’t feel any fatigue or fatigue.
3. Fast weight loss.
4. Improve body activity.
5. Improve bowel movement.
6 - is considered a cure for epilepsy.
7. Improves good cholesterol and lowers the level of LDL cholesterol.
8 - protection and prevention of cancer of all kinds.
What are the disadvantages of Ketogenic Diet?
There are some disadvantages resulting from the adoption of keto dite system, including:
1. Digestive problems.
2. Continuous feeling of nausea.
3. Cramps in the legs.
4 - severe constipation.
5. Puke.
6 - be aggregate on the total.
7. The presence of osteoporosis.
8. Halitosis is unpleasant (Bad Breath)
How much time does it take to see keto diet result?
The Keto diet is like any diet you can walk for months to reach the ideal weight and this system includes to address all your body needs of nutrients, vitamins and minerals so as not to get tired and you become food deficit after a period.
Is there any bad effect to Soft Drink and Diet sugar on Keto Diet?
Diet Sugar and Cola Diet do not affect insulin in the blood because they do not contain sugar or glucose.
They are suitable for keto dite and have no negative effect and do not get you out of ketogenic status
Is keto diet harmful to pregnant?
Keto diet system is the last system recommended by pregnant and any attempt to lose weight during pregnancy is the deliberate killing of the fetus.
If there is a category that is not convinced, let us assume a question.
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