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The Best Natural Meals Before And After Workout [Less Cost]

The Best Natural Meals Before And After Workout

- Want to get fit and proper food supplement with minimum cost?
- Can’t you buy the expensive supplement to satisfy your body needs after training?
- You’re in the right place.

food4gym presents to you The best natural Food Supplement that you’ll ever have for Beginner (Low Cost)
all you need is a pen and paper to record what are you going to read now

In this article we will try to provide some meals that have rich nutrient materials that muscles need to grow at the lowest possible cost.

The Best Natural Meals Before And After Workout

Meal 1 (Breakfast):

- A glass of milk with the right amount of oats (calcium, carbohydrates and proteins)
- Brown bread and olive oil (carbohydrate source, fiber and fat)
- 3 eggs, 2 whole and 1 without yolk (source of proteins)

Meal 2 (2 hours after breakfast)

- Rice Plate (Carb Source)
- The equivalent of a fist of nuts (source of proteins)

Meal 3 (lunch)

- 200 grams of fish, chicken breast or meat (protein source)
- Fruit and vegetable salad bowl (carbohydrate and fiber source)

Meal 4 (before exercise):

- A cup of coffee (source of caffeine)
- Banana (source of fast-absorbing carbohydrates)

Meal 5 (after exercise):

- Banana (source of fast-absorbing carbohydrates)
- Rice bowl (source of slow-absorbing carbohydrates)
- Oil refined tuna can (source of proteins)

Meal 6 (Dinner):

- 2 eggs, 1 complete and 1 without yolk (protein source)
- Can of yogurt or cheese (source of proteins)
- Fruit bean (fiber source)

Some behaviors to save money:

- Instead of a can of tuna , buy 1 kg of sardines and eat it for two days (healthy and natural)
- Instead of oatmeal, Buy the wheat germ and take it for four days.
- Instead of buying milk daily, buy a packet Nido concentrated milk or any other type.
- Instead of training in the City Club, train in the regular places is less expensive, the secret in the will and not in the possibilities.

These are some ways to reduce the cost of bodybuilding

and here we reached the end of the topic hopefully, we gave you the best. please feed us back and share it with friends
